Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things to Remember For Your First Day of Gymnastics

Your child may be extremely excited or extremely nervous on their first day of gymnastics.  Either set of feelings is totally normal and they may fall other places within the spectrum. 

Here are a few pointers for Dad or Mom on the first day.  Fuel your child's body with good food prior to going to gymnastics class.  Make sure that they are wearing comfortable clothing free of buttons and buckles - leotards or unitards are best for girls.  Girls with long hair should have their hair pulled back in a ponytail and all jewelry should be removed (except for stud earrings).  Try to arrive for class about 5-10 minutes before it is scheduled to start - this will allow time for filling out any last minute paperwork, taking care of class payment, and getting your child settled and accustomed to the atmosphere.  It is important that your child has some basic information about the class before you arrive.  If you have received a list of gym rules before their first class, please talk about them with your child.  It will make them less anxious and help the instructor. 

The excited student will run right in when the teacher calls for their class.  The nervous student might hang back a bit and want to cling to Dad or Mom just a bit longer.  For the parent of the nervous child, remember to be patient with him or her.  Follow the lead of the instructor and/or the rules of the gym.  If you can sit with him or her while they stretch or do an opening activity, that may be all they need to become comfortable with the class. 

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